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This week of development was mostly spent on refining our main scenes from our playtesting feedback. In the space scene, we removed the grayscale from the planets because the planets’ colors were important indicators. Also, the planets start off in their respective orbits to reduce confusion about the planets’ starting locations. We also made the UIs look cleaner, added sound effects and audio hints for pronunciation. This was to make the interfaces more intuitive for the players to use and help them hear pronunciations through audio. We also added intro tutorials before each map to teach players about the map they’re about to play using Quacky to make them entertaining.

In addition, we worked on creating our farm scene, which is another map where players can learn about crops and animals and bring them back to life in the village. This will most likely be our last scene before our deliverable. This map features basic farm animals like cows, sheep, duck, chicken, and pigs as well as common farm crops like corn, tomatoes, wheat, cabbages, and carrots. We will continue to develop this scene.

Before gold, we plan to finish up the farm scene and overall refine our app to be fully functional with no bugs. We also plan to add more audio speaking to the player / interaction with Quacky to make the game fully immersive. Finally, we would like to add side quests and more NPC interactions.